Pentagon Allegedly Funding 'Havana Syndrome' Experiments - In Animals

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 03/10/2023
There is no "credible proof" that Havana Syndrome was induced by any "foreign enemy," according to a recent study from US intelligence services, but dozens of ferrets are still being used in experiments despite this.

According to Politico's reporting based on interviews with military personnel and publicly available documents, the Pentagon is funding studies to determine whether or not exposure to radio frequency waves could be to blame for the mysterious cases of headaches, dizziness, hearing loss, and nausea experienced by American service members stationed abroad. According to published reports, in September the Army granted $750,000 to Wayne State University to investigate the effects of these waves on the brains of ferrets, which are quite similar to our own.


According to the funding application, the study will investigate whether or not the exposure causes symptoms similar to those experienced by US service members in Havana and other foreign locales.

Pulsed radio frequency sources, according to Politico's sources, have also been tested on primates by the Pentagon. According to the sources, the research would not have been permitted without "very good science" supporting the radio wave idea because of the increased stringency of animal testing regulations.

Patients with "acquired neurosensory condition, popularly referred to as the Havana Syndrome," according to the Military Technical Information Center's online database, exhibit "symptoms... mimicking someone who has had a concussion of the head."

Shalin Gala, vice president of PETA, expressed the organization's "disturbing" reaction to news of the study. Gala contended that there was no longer any basis for the primate study or the "present $750,000 taxpayer-funded brain injury trial that bombards 48 ferrets with radio waves."

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