Trump's Demands: Ukraine Aid Frozen Until Biden "Corruption" Revealed!

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/30/2023
Former President Trump demanded a halt to all assistance to Ukraine until several federal agencies turned over "every scrap" of information they had regarding alleged "corrupt business dealings" involving President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

At a rally on Saturday in Erie, Pennsylvania, Trump claimed that Biden had been "dragging" the nation into the conflict involving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. He made reference to a copy of the unverified tip that congressional Republicans had made public last week and which claimed to contain proof of a scheme to bribe Biden. 

The form contained rumored claims that the Bidens received millions of dollars from the CEO of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, which the prosecutor general's office of Ukraine was looking into. At the time, Hunter Biden was a member of the Burisma board. 


When Biden was Obama's vice president, he argued that Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was dishonest and ought to be fired. He also threatened to withhold $1 billion in funding from Ukraine if he wasn't. 

Following a threat to withhold $1 billion in aid, Biden asked the Ukrainian prosecutor who was looking into his son's company to resign.

In light of this information, Trump suggested that the U.S. Congress refrain from approving even a single payment for our exhausted stockpiles until the FBI, Justice Department, and Internal Revenue Service turn over all of the information they have regarding the corrupt business dealings of the Biden crime family. 

In the past, Trump has resisted giving financial support to Ukraine in an effort to thwart Russia's full-scale invasion of the nation. He has asserted that if elected president again, he could put an end to the conflict between the two nations in just 24 hours. 

The former president also made mention of reports claiming that as long as the United States keeps supplying weapons to Ukraine, its stockpiles of missiles and ammunition are running low. In comparison to last year, the Pentagon has asked for more money to expand its munitions. 


Trump claims that he frequently hears complaints that Republicans are accused of knowing details like those in the Biden form but "doing nothing about it." Any Republican who does not take action against "Democrat fraud," according to him, should have their reelection put up for primary challenge. 

They don't fight the way they ought to, he claimed. 

Trump referred to what he claimed some Republicans have said in response to these kinds of allegations, saying, "Oh, that's too bad, but we have to worry about other things." You don't need to be concerned about anything else. Stop it, you have to.

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