Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shows Support for Trump in Riveting Interview with Tucker Carlson

In a riveting new interview conducted by former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. voiced robust support for Donald Trump, emphasizing his commitment to aid in Trump's campaign for the forthcoming election. The discussion took an intriguing turn as Carlson broached the subject of the CIA's alleged involvement in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination—a topic that Kennedy deemed significant enough to share on his YouTube channel.

Carlson initiated the dialogue by highlighting a recent event where Trump, upon introducing Kennedy, pledged to form a commission tasked with declassifying documents related to President Kennedy's murder in 1963 if re-elected. "It's widely believed that the CIA played a role in this," Carlson pointed out, suggesting that these documents are kept secret to shield the agency and possibly others involved.

Kennedy expressed bafflement over the continued secrecy, saying, "It's peculiar that after all these years, those documents haven't been made public." When probed for possible reasons behind this concealment, he noted that it had been over six decades since his uncle's assassination and all individuals directly implicated had since passed away. "This is clearly about protecting an institution," Kennedy asserted.

Carlson condemned this protective stance across political lines as fundamentally wrong. He also remarked on the irony of bipartisan administrations maintaining this classified status over such an extended period.

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Kennedy shared his surprise at Trump not fulfilling his campaign promise to declassify these files, revealing a conversation with Trump where the former president disclosed that it was Mike Pompeo who dissuaded him from doing so—citing potential catastrophic consequences.

Pompeo’s stern warning to Trump and subsequent threats towards Carlson for calling him a criminal underscored the sensitivity surrounding these classified documents. It led to further speculation about why exactly the CIA would be so adamant about keeping these files under wraps if they bore no guilt in President Kennedy’s assassination.

Throughout their exchange, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reiterated accusations against the CIA regarding its involvement not only in his uncle's death but also in other assassinations within his family. He persisted in urging for full disclosure of all relevant evidence by federal authorities—a call resonating with many who seek transparency and accountability from their government.

This profound dialogue between Carlson and Kennedy, touching on matters of historical significance and transparency within government agencies, underscores ongoing concerns about state secrets and their implications for democracy and justice in America.


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