Megyn Kelly Claims She Has Inside Information Of Possible Trump 2024 Run And It’s Not Good

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 03/04/2023

Former Fox News employee Megyn Kelly claimed that the source believes former President Donald Trump won’t be running in 2024. She was joined by the hosts of The Ruthless Podcast, Comfortably Smug, Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan, and John Ashbrook on the broadcast of The Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM on Wednesday.

They talked about the status of politics at the time and finally got to whether Trump may run in 2024. Kelly asserts that she had inside knowledge that Trump would not run for re-election but was unable to make the announcement at the time.

I’d want to run this past you now. I spoke with a man who, I believe, used to have a senior position inside the RNC. And he said, “Trump won’t be running again.” Trump just cannot declare that he won’t run for office again, she said.

He claimed that he wouldn’t ever declare since, once he does, everything changes. If he were to announce tomorrow, the RNC might no longer be able to cover his legal expenses, Kelly claimed.

“Because the RNC must maintain its neutrality, they were unable to assist him with his legal expenses. Therefore, they can’t be paying one guy’s legal expenses. So that — I thought that was kind of interesting that like, Trump will have to delay if he’s going to announce that he’s running for office as long as humanly possible, because he has a lot of legal bills, but it was this guy’s strong belief that he will not run again, that he’s too worried about losing,” Kelly said.

But the hosts of the Ruthless podcast had other plans. Smug responded, “Well, from what I gather, I believe the RNC has ceased paying those expenses. “Unfortunately, I think some kind of time period lapse or whatever is when the RNC’s no longer paying for his attorneys, that it’s now being paid by the outside group that Trump manages,” said one person. “I think it was right around the time that this latest, you know, case against Trump came up right before.”

Holmes chimed in to say that the Save America PAC was actually the one who had supposedly started covering Trump’s legal expenses. I don’t know the motivation, Holmes continued. I am aware that Donald Trump and his fans would dearly want for him to participate in the discussion. Right? And I believe that’s the reason he keeps getting involved. He will either run for office or play a crucial part in the nomination process, so I highly doubt he will disappear from the national stage in any form.

What Republicans could win without his support, after all? Kelly queried.

“Yeah. We’ll find out, after all, right? Holmes answered. “I mean, I believe what occurs is the solution everyone is seeking for. In the end, is a Ron DeSantis someone who grabs the Republican Party’s imagination? Trump or not, I just don’t know the response to it at this time.

“You must, you gotta find a circumstance where Trump, if the Republicans want to win with somebody other than Trump, where Trump endorses the man, because the core MAGA group, I don’t think they go with anybody else without the iconic thumbs up from their leader,” Kelly said in his conclusion.

If Trump announced a 2024 candidacy, the RNC had forewarned him that they would no longer cover his legal expenses. The committee had already paid the law firms that represented Trump more than $2 million in legal expenses at that point.

According to CBS, Trump seems to have used money from the Save America PAC to pay the tab for more than $3.8 million in legal consulting expenses since August following the FBI raid on his Florida property at Mar-a-Lago. Kelly says that the RNC has said they would not contribute to costs associated with the FBI raid but have not commented on whether they will continue to assist with other lawsuits.

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