Mayorkas Declares Republicans Won’t Force Him From Office

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 03/04/2023

Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of homeland security, rebuffed claims that the majority of House Republicans want him removed from office. Mayorkas met with CNN’s Chris Wallace, who mentioned the “slings and arrows of your detractors” and inquired as to if they would “push you out.” Mayorkas yelled, “They won’t drive me out.”

Under Mayorka’s tenure, there has been a record increase in illegal immigration, which prompted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to declare frankly, “I am calling on the secretary to resign. He can’t stay there, and he has to get out. In order to establish whether we may launch an impeachment investigation, House Republicans will go into each order, each action, and each failure if Secretary Mayorkas does not quit.

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Currently, the border is being looked into by three House committees. Mayorkas would be the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached since 1876 if he were to be found guilty.

The border is closed, Mayorkas has insisted in the past. The boundary is shut down. The border is secure, he insisted, adding, “I think it is a disagreement over policy, and I think it is used for political purposes to continue a negative dialogue about a migration challenge that is not particular to the United States, to continue that dialogue, and to uplift it for political reasons.”

“Critics note that while Joseph Biden was president in 2022, there were 2.3 million interactions with migrants at the border, in 2020, Donald Trump’s final year in office, border officials contacted migrants 458,000 times. Why do you insist that the border is secure? questioned Wallace.

As a result of this administration’s economic performance, Mayorkas deflected, “The United States currently has millions of jobs opening.” “Compared to the nations south of Mexico, we have made far greater progress in containing the pandemic. And because of it, the United States is a desirable destination for those on the run from oppression or who are otherwise in dire need of a better life.

How would you define secure? Insisted Wallace. “We’ve all seen images of crowds of people crossing shallow Rio Grande riverbanks. Encampments in El Paso and Arizona downtowns have been documented in photos that we have all seen. We’ve all seen images of the wave of immigrants arriving in New York. It is not a secure border by those standards. The open border is what migrants believe it to be.

Mayorkas remarked, “I don’t think the more than 1.5 million people who have been removed or ejected from the border would consider the border open,” before appearing to blame Republicans for the rise in illegal immigration. Yet, political authorities convey that the border is open. The smugglers themselves propagate that information since it is music to their ears.

Are you going to blame Republican critics for everything, I hear you say? Shocked, Wallace said. Mayorkas responded, “They used that rhetoric.

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