Kari Lake Has A Logical, Yet Stern Message For FL Governor Ron DeSantis

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 03/10/2023
Republican former candidate for governor of Arizona Kari Lake attacked Republican governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, claiming "President Trump's turn" is in 2024. Lake appeared in an interview with Newsmax presenter Eric Bolling and suggested that DeSantis delay a run for president until until 2028, indicating her support for a Trump presidential bid at that time.

Analysts are almost unanimous in their prediction that DeSantis will challenge Trump for the presidency in 2024, despite his failure to make any formal announcement to that effect. Lake is part of the faction of the Republican Party that supports Trump in the upcoming run against the faction that supports DeSantis.

Lake criticized DeSantis, the Florida governor, saying he shouldn't run for president until 2028. She pointed out that DeSantis is still young at age 39.

There's no question in my mind that Ron DeSantis is an excellent leader. The voters in Florida just gave him a second term. When they re-elected him, I'm sure they had high hopes that he'd be sticking around for a while," Lake said.

You could say he's in his 40s at the earliest. In comparison to my age, he's roughly ten years younger "...she explained. "I believe he would do well to honor the voters' decision to elect him governor of Florida and complete his term in office before moving on to other political pursuits.

After that, he might theoretically run for president. And we haven't seen Ron DeSantis on the international scene yet," she went on, "but this is President Trump's turn.

Lake continued by saying she has faith in Trump's leadership but is concerned about how DeSantis will fare on international policy.

There are people around him "who are the type of people who were pushing for war, who were pushing for the endless conflicts," she said.

Since the outset of her gubernatorial race, Lake has positioned herself as a staunch Trump loyalist, and this image has persisted even after her election defeat in November. This attraction appears to be mutual, as reports claim Trump has placed her on a short list of possible running mates for the 2024 election.

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