Prominent Liberal Poll Company Has Dire Results For Biden Reelection Campaign

Just as his reelection campaign gets underway, a new survey raises questions for President Biden and Democrats. According to a Washington Post-ABC News survey, Biden's job approval rating has dropped to 36% from 42% in February and his previous low of 37% from early last year. Currently, 56% of people disapprove of the president, with 47% of them expressing their extreme dislike. 

Despite the fact that the economy was in dire straits due to the epidemic when Biden joined office, more people, 54% to 36%, believe that former President Donald Trump is better at managing the economy, according to the Post. The fact that Biden trails Trump by nearly 4 points in a head-to-head comparison may be the most concerning for Democrats.

Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, hasn't joined the contest, but Trump now has almost twice as much support. Biden and Trump don't really earn the trust or honesty of respondents, but the president does better on both indices.

According to the Hill, the poll findings, especially Biden's decline in favour among certain categories, concerned at least one Democratic supporter. Party strategist Donna Brazile said on ABC's This Week, "It's alarming in the sense that the coalition that elected Joe Biden, with the unprecedented numbers that we saw in 2020, is right now splintered. 

She said that at her earliest chance, 12:02am on Sunday, she submitted the poll results to Democrats. Brazile remarked, "It kept me up and I thought they ought to wake up and look at those numbers."

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