Judge Rules YouTuber MUST Read Defamation For An Entire Month On His Channel

As part of a judge's inventive punishment, a Spanish YouTuber will spend the coming weeks apologizing for his defamatory remarks against his ex-girlfriend's father on his channel.

Spanish YouTuber Dalas Review, who has more than 10 million subscribers, lost a slander lawsuit this week. According to Gizmodo, a judge determined that Dalas Review had slandered his ex-girlfriend's father by alleging that he had assaulted women, including his ex-girlfriend. Spanish news source El Diario broke the news first.

Dalas Review, whose real name is Daniel Santomé, owes the father of Maria Rubio $13,000 and, as part of his penalty, is required to recite his defamation sentence on his YouTube channel once a week for a month.

Santomé filmed at least nine recordings addressing her father in the period leading up to the lawsuit and after he and Rubio broke up, calling him names and accusing him of beating Rubio. According to Gizmodo, Santomé said in his films that Rubio's father was a "abuser," a "sick coward who's messed up in the head," and someone who "likes to hit defenceless women on the street." 

El Diario reports that when the court sentenced the YouTuber, he or she cited the amount of young people who follow Dalas Review and added that spreading baseless accusations about violence against women minimizes genuine efforts in Spain to address those issues.

According to the newspaper, the court disagreed with Santomé's claim that his remarks were protected by the First Amendment throughout the trial. According to Gizmodo, the YouTuber said Rubio, who is herself a YouTuber, and her father used the incident for fame after the judge jailed him.

Santomé's channel will now include recordings reading the judge's judgment against him during the month of June.

The judge wrote in his ruling that it was "hard to believe that anyone of average intelligence could think that by using freedom of speech as an excuse they could say all of these insults, which are recognized as insults by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy, the Spanish language governing body), freely on social media and believe that the target won't feel attacked and that the system won't respond."

Additionally, it was mandated that the tapes containing the accusations against Rubio's father be taken down.

In response, Santomé, who was exonerated in a case of child sex assault in 2018, partially expanded on his remarks. 

According to Gizmodo, the YouTuber tweeted, "Imagine that they beat your girlfriend in front of you, stole your dog, and harassed you for years, and then responded with BAD WORDS to this person, and they sentenced you to pay $ 'because you're a famous figure. This is the unfairness I must tolerate, she said.

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