Second Whistleblower Reveals U.S. Attorney Weiss Was Not Directly Involved in Hunter Biden's Tax Probe

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/27/2023
Apparently, U.S. Attorney David Weiss was not in charge or making decisions of Hunter Biden’s Tax Probe, according to a second whistleblower who has come forward. The testimony appears to support Gary Shapley's claims, the first whistleblower to publicly express his concerns.

Mr. X, the second whistleblower, was Shapley's employee. He expressed his worries to congressional staff early this month in an emotional testimony, reiterating Shapley's assertions that Weiss was not in charge of the investigation. The U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C., according to Mr. X, ordered Weiss to follow certain rules.

"So, I'm frightened as I sit here in front of you right now. According to the transcript, the whistleblower stated, "In coming forward, I'm risking my career, my reputation, and the cases I'm working on outside of this investigation.

I think the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and DOJ Tax have a clear target on my back and the back of my supervisor, and I think they're just waiting for the right moment to pounce on us. As I just mentioned, my own agency retaliated against me despite the fact that I had been effectively cut off from them when it came to this investigation for years.

Federal prosecutors allegedly used "preferential treatment and politics," according to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, to avoid bringing charges against Hunter Biden. On May 26, Shapley gave a thorough testimony to the House Committee on Ways and Means to address his concerns.

Mr. X, who prefers to remain anonymous, was a member of the IRS criminal investigators who took part in the Shapley-led investigation into Hunter Biden. Shapley made his whistleblower claims public, which led to the removal of the entire IRS team from the case. Midway through May, Shapley's legal team informed Congress that they thought the DOJ's removal of the team was an act of retaliation.

On June 1, Mr. X provided testimony to the committee that largely supported Shapley's claims. The Attorney General Merrick Garland's assertion that Weiss had unrestricted access to the case against Hunter Biden appeared to be at odds with his testimony.

Additionally, Mr. X disclosed that Weiss, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware in charge of the investigation, had consistently faced obstacles, restrictions, and marginalization from both DOJ employees and other U.S. Attorneys. Contrary to the impression that Weiss had full autonomy and the authority of a special counsel in this case, this was obviously untrue.

Mr. X came to light after Shapley gave Congress and the Office of Special Counsel a whistleblower package that contained a letter he wrote to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel. The letter described Shapley and Mr. X's joint efforts to inform IRS leadership of the issues with the investigation and their reluctance to deal with these worries.

Shapley's legal counsel included information about the agency's response to the letter in the whistleblower package they sent to Congress. It surfaced that a superior reprimanded Mr. X for violating the chain of command and speculated that he might have improperly given Werfel access to grand jury information.

Hunter Biden and the DOJ came to an agreement last week, and as part of it, he agreed to plead guilty to two tax offences and to an unrelated gun violation.

House Republicans are calling for more investigation due to a discrepancy between Weiss's alleged behaviour in the meeting and his recent letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan. "I want to make clear that as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for determining where, when, and whether to file charges," Weiss had written in his letter.

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