Republican Presidential Hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy Supports Transgender Individuals in the Military

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/06/2023
Republican presidential hopeful and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy stated on Sunday that he would not forbid transgender persons from enlisting in the military.

Ramaswamy responded negatively to the question of whether he would reinstate former President Donald Trump's ban on transgender service personnel on ABC's "This Week." However, I would make quite clear that my policies are highly focused on children. We shouldn't force this mindset on young people.

But you wouldn't forbid transgender people from serving in the military, Martha Raddatz, the reporter asked in response.

Ramaswamy answered, "I wouldn't.

The reversal of Trump's orders barring the recruitment of transgender people was one of the first projects during the Biden administration. 

According to the Army's website, the 2021 policy of the Biden administration "ensures that no person, solely based on his or her gender identity, will be denied accession into the Army; involuntarily separated or discharged from the Army; denied reenlistment or continuation of service; or subjected to adverse action or mistreatment." Ramaswamy could be the first GOP candidate running in 2024 to openly endorse transgender service personnel.
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