President Biden's Comeback Plan: Winning Over White Working-class Voters Through Early AFL-CIO Backing.

  • by:
  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/19/2023
In an effort to regain the support of white working-class voters, President Joe Biden spoke to union members in Philadelphia on June 17 at his first political event since declaring his reelection campaign in April. According to Biden, this is the first time the AFL-CIO union has ever backed a candidate this early in the election.

"For the first time that I'm aware of, the AFL-CIO and every union have both backed this early. He began his statement by stating that we are coming together.

"I'm more grateful than you can ever know for your support. Coming at this point will have a major impact on this campaign.

As the most pro-union president in American history, Biden has long proclaimed his support for labour unions. However, due to strong inflation that has outpaced wage growth, his management of the economy has caused alarm for many Americans, particularly blue-collar workers.

"No one would notice it if the investment bankers in this nation went on strike tomorrow," he remarked. But if nobody in this room reported for duty the next day, everything in the nation would come to a standstill.

Biden continued by highlighting his legislative successes, which he said resulted in the creation of 800,000 manufacturing jobs and 13 million new jobs overall. Over the last 11 months, inflation has decreased, he said.

According to Biden, "it's about physically, not metaphorically, developing an economy from the bottom up and the centre out, not the top down."

Since Biden has long maintained that success in the country doesn't just "trickle down" from affluent people or corporations, the term "developing the economy from the bottom up and middle out" has become one of his catchphrases. Instead, the main force behind long-term expansion and prosperity is a flourishing middle class.

"You've carried the nation on your shoulders. You've put forth enough effort," he added. "Millionaires, billionaires, and large organizations need to contribute fairly. I can accomplish it, but I really need your help. Are you still with me?

Although Biden wants to win over blue-collar workers with his economic case, it's questionable whether people would buy into it given that his popularity rating is still quite low.

According to the most recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, just 41% of Americans are satisfied with how he is doing his duties as president, with the economy continuing to be the major concern. Crime and corruption are the next two issues.

Democratic representatives from Pennsylvania, including Gov. Josh Shapiro, Sens. Bob Casey and John Fetterman, accompanied Biden for a tour of the collapsed Interstate 95 when he was his route to his rally in Philadelphia. On June 11, a tanker truck transporting gasoline caught fire, resulting in the cracking and collapse of the concrete.

We're going to finish the road rehabilitation in a record amount of time, according to some clever planning, creative design, and the use of resources from Pennsylvania, according to Biden.

Additionally, the visit to Philadelphia fell on Jill and Joe Biden's 46th wedding anniversary.

Biden told reporters, "The only reason we're coming to Philadelphia is because it's my wedding anniversary. With my Philly gal, we decided to visit Philadelphia. It's acceptable to smile. It's a terrible joke.

"Well, that depends on who the nominee is," Biden responded when reporters questioned him about the character of his campaign and if it would be hostile.

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