Dem Rep Has Slip of the Tongue During TV Interview: Calls for Lethal Action Against Trump

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/20/2023
Democratic representative for the Virgin Islands Stacey Plaskett expressed grave concerns about former President Donald Trump's alleged mishandling of classified documents during a recent MSNBC interview. While discussing the matter, she momentarily stumbled over her words and mentioned that Trump "needs to be shot". She quickly corrected herself, stating that he should be "stopped". 
Plaskett explained that Trump's access to classified information, coupled with the fact that he can share this sensitive data at his resort with anyone who comes through, should alarm all Americans. She emphasized the urgency of stopping him.

Plaskett, a nonvoting representative, dismissed Republican's "two-tiered system" claim and impeachment of Trump. She refuted the notion that Clinton had not been indicted for having her private email server while in office, arguing that such claims were mere propaganda aimed at sowing distrust of federal law enforcement.
She asserted that the "two-tiered system" was not for stiffer punishment of offenders. Its purpose, she claimed, was Republican's desire to assert their primacy above the law, allowing them to transgress with impunity.

Last week in federal court in Miami, former President Trump was charged with 37 counts related to concealing the source of classified information. The indictment is 49 pages long and alleges that Trump deliberately hid documents for over a year at his Mar-a-Lago resort, stashing them in various locations including a ballroom, bathroom, bedroom, and basement storage room.
According to the indictment, Trump shared classified defence documents with individuals who lacked the necessary clearances, which is a serious breach of national security protocol. The allegations against Trump are very concerning, and it remains to be seen how this case will develop in the coming weeks and months.

As a ranking member of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Plaskett has gained national recognition for her actions. Recently, she made waves when she threatened journalist Matt Taibbi with a five-year sentence for allegedly lying to Congress during a "Twitter Files" hearing.
Moreover, during Trump's second impeachment, she served as an impeachment manager. The former president faced an accusation of incitement of insurrection by the Democratically-controlled House after the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021. In the end, the Senate found him not guilty.

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