Growing Acceptance? Over 70% of Americans Now Support Same-Sex Unions

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/07/2023
According to a recent Gallup News poll, more than 70% of Americans believe same-sex unions should be permitted, up from 27% in 1996 and the same number as in 2017. 

"Only 27% of the general population supported making same-sex marriage legal when Gallup first surveyed the topic in 1996. According to the survey findings, it would take another 15 years, or until 2011, for support to reach the majority level. Then, in 2015, just one month before the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, popular support for homosexual marriage finally reached a 60 percent threshold. It first surpassed the 70 percent threshold in 2021 and has remained there for the last three years.

Gallup has discovered a rise in support for same-sex marriage over time among all significant groupings. According to the study, homosexual weddings should be legalized, with the exception of two significant subgroups: Republicans (49 percent) and weekly church attendees (41 percent). 

Since 2020, Republican support for same-sex marriage has fluctuated around 50%, reaching narrow majorities in 2021 and 2022. Gallup News discovered that although weekly churchgoers now support same-sex marriage more than they did in the past, their degree of support has stayed constant throughout 2018.

Unsurprisingly, Democrats (84%) and occasional churchgoers (83%) are more inclined than other age groups and political affiliations to favour lawful same-sex unions.

"Over the length of Gallup's trend spanning more than a quarter of a century," the survey found, "perceptions on homosexual marriage have gone from majority opposition to majority acceptance across several categories, including older persons, Protestants, and residents of the South." Republicans are evenly divided on the legality of same-sex partnerships, while weekly churchgoers continue to keep their position against it. However, two groups are still holding out on the subject.

1,011 individuals who live in the United States participated in the poll from May 1 to 24. At a confidence level of 95 percent, the margin of sampling error is 4%.

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