Senator Joni Ernst Takes on Weaponized Bureaucracy with Move to Disarm IRS

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/14/2023
By leading the charge in the upper chamber to ensure that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not using tax dollars from hardworking Americans to arm its employees — and going beyond just that to disarm the taxman and move the IRS' investigation division over to the Justice Department — U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) is once again taking action against (literally) weaponized bureaucracy.

For its glorified and federally authorized accountant army, the IRS has spent more than $35 million on weapons, ammo, and tactical equipment since 2006, with almost $10 million of that taxpayer-funded armament coming since just 2020, according to a study from Open the Books published last month. 

In addition to spending $267,000 on ballistic helmets, $243,000 on body armour vests, and "nearly $1 million on Smith & Wesson rifles ($474,000) and Beretta 1301 tactical shotguns ($463,000)" over the past three years, the IRS also spent "$2.5 million on ballistic shields ($1.2 million) and 'various other gear for criminal investigation agents' ($1.3 million)," according to Open the Books.

Senator Ernst reiterated to Townhall on Tuesday that "the taxman is fully armed and supported by the taxpayer." "Why does the IRS even have or require guns remains a crucial topic," It's a valid question, and Ernst hopes to answer it definitively with a new bill she's introducing on Tuesday.

The "Why Does the IRS Have Guns Act," as her proposal is known, prohibits the commissioner from using any monies that have been approved to be appropriated or otherwise made available for a fiscal year "to acquire, receive, or keep any handgun or ammunition."

Additionally, it would mandate that the IRS commissioner surrender to the General Services Administration "any guns held by, or under the control of, the Internal Revenue Service" as well as "any ammunition owned by, or under the control of, the Internal Revenue Service."

Ernst's proposal calls for the GSA to "initiate the sale or auction of any weapons" from the massive IRS stockpile "to licensed dealers" after the transfer and to "auction any ammunition" from the cache "to members of the general public."

Following that, "any earnings from the sale or auction" of the IRS's arsenal would be "deposited in the general fund of the Treasury for the sole purpose of deficit reduction," according to the measure. 

Last but not least, the legislation would mandate that "the authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service" be transferred over and "maintained as a distinct entity within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, including the related functions of the Secretary of the Treasury."

Senator Ernst reaffirmed her commitment to "ensure the IRS is not further abusing its authority against hardworking Americans" and recalled that she has "been happy to stand up against the IRS' targeting of small companies." 

It's time to put an end to this misuse of authority and public funds, added Ernst.

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