Biden's Helpmate In Trouble! Vice President Kamala Harris's Approval Ratings Hit Record Low

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/27/2023
Since Al Gore was in office, Vice President Kamala Harris has not had the same impact on the public as her predecessors. A recent survey found that only 32% of registered voters hold a favorable view of the Democrat, while a higher percentage, 49%, harbor a negative opinion of her. This results in a net-negative rating of -17 that is "the lowest for any vice president in the poll's history," according to NBC News. Additionally, 39% of those surveyed stated that they had a "very negative" opinion of Harris.

The news organization used historical surveys stretching back to 1995 to back its mathematical conclusion that President Biden has the highest approval rating at the start of a presidency in over 2 decades. Only Vice President Mike Pence, with a split of -4 in October 2019, and a few other Vice Presidents had negative splits. In contrast, the 34% approval rating Biden received in December 2010 broke even, with 33% disapproving.
While Cheney had a +23 rating and Gore had a +15 rating during their respective Vice Presidential terms, Kamala Harris, who's conveyed in previous statements that she plans to prioritize fighting for gender, racial, and social justice, has the distinction of being the first South Asian American, first black American, and first woman to ever hold the position.

Harris faces criticism for not taking her role in the White House seriously as leader of the administration's initiatives on addressing the migration problem at the US-Mexico border. Her public speaking appearances have become easy targets for mockery due to her use of "word salads".
Despite her low approval ratings, Harris was chosen to be Biden's running mate for his 2024 reelection bid. According to Axios, the White House and Biden's campaign went into overdrive to improve her reputation, fearing she would be a burden on the ticket.

Amid growing doubts about President Biden's suitability for office, a former White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, and Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) have defended Vice President Harris against criticism of her unpopularity. Klain and Kimmel have pointed out the role of racism and sexism in fueling such criticism, while Coons has affirmed Harris's readiness to assume the presidency if needed. 
According to the latest NBC News poll, more than two-thirds of registered voters, or 68%, have voiced "moderate to serious concerns" about Biden's fitness for the presidency, citing mental and physical health reasons. The poll results suggest that public confidence in Biden's work performance is split, with only 43% of respondents expressing satisfaction, contrasting with 53% who do not share that view.

In the GOP primary polls, Biden is the likely winner with 45%. In a hypothetical general election against Donald Trump, Biden leads by 49% in support. Though Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tied at 47% in the poll, conservative radio host Erick Erickson predicted that Biden and Harris would still beat Trump. Even though Harris is the least popular vice president in poll history, Republicans can win just by distancing themselves from Trump.

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