Harvard Survey Reveals Majority of Americans Believe Trump's Indictment is Politically Motivated

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/18/2023
A majority of Americans feel that the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump is politically motivated and constitutes electoral meddling, according to a recent Harvard/CAPS Harris survey.

The June poll, which polled 2,090 eligible voters between June 14 and 15, indicated that 55% of respondents thought the former president's indictment was politically motivated. This includes 28% of Democrats, 83 percent of Republicans, and 55 percent of independents.

56 percent, including 84 percent of Republicans, 51 percent of Independents, and 32 percent of Democrats, believe the indictment amounts to "intervention by the DOJ in the 2024 elections."

However, a large majority of respondents said that the case against Trump is "strong" or "very strong." A majority of respondents, 32%, rated the argument as "very strong," while 26% said it was "pretty strong." A further 42% of eligible voters deemed the indictment "weak" or "quite weak."

Also questioned were respondents' opinions on the Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden controversies involving sensitive materials. Seventy-two percent of voters believed it was highly probable that Hillary Clinton handled sensitive material improperly after establishing a private email server. Furthermore, 69 percent of respondents claimed that Clinton "obstructed justice" by erasing hard drives and deleting evidence.

Similar to this, a sizable majority of respondents believe that Vice President Biden handled sensitive material improperly by keeping records in a number of unsafe places around the nation, including his garage in Delaware. In sum, 65% of the registered voters polled believed Biden handled sensitive material improperly.


Additionally, the majority of Americans believe that targeting Trump for prosecution for handling secret material improperly but not targeting Biden and Clinton for the same offences. A total of 53% of respondents believed that indicting Trump was biased prosecution, while 47% said that it was "fair justice."

Respondents were evenly divided on whether the indictment benefits or disadvantages the previous presidents.

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