Political Outsiders Bob Kennedy Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy: Disrupting the 2024 Presidential Race

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/29/2023
A fascinating development has occurred in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Democratic side and Vivek Ramaswamy on the Republican side are two outsiders who have been shunned or ignored by both political parties' entrenched establishments as well as most of the mainstream media.

Let's start with Kennedy to explain why they are outsiders. During a townhall-style interview hosted by Fox News anchor Sean Hannity this week, a lot of the reasons why the powerful establishment despises him and millions of Americans are lining up to support his vision for our country were encapsulated.

Kennedy stated: "We have a system of cushy socialism for the super-rich and this brutal, savage, merciless capitalism for the poor. The hundreds in attendance frequently interrupted the town hall with applause. And the goal of it all is to drain the middle class in this country of all of their equity and possessions and transfer it to the upper classes. The last straw was the Covid lockdowns. We produced a billionaire every single day for 500 days during the Covid lockdowns, and this included Trump and Biden. To the super-rich, we transferred $4 trillion from the middle class. The people who entered the lockdown with $1 billion saw an average 30% increase in wealth. We shut down 3.3 million companies.

Unprejudiced observers can see why a large portion of the establishment wants him silenced, despite the fact that millions of American voters think they have found their 2024 candidate. Nevertheless, one of Kennedy's biggest issues is that a large portion of the mainstream media is a part of that powerful establishment.

The fact that much of the mainstream media won't allow Democratic Kennedy on their airwaves is one of the reasons he has made so many appearances on Fox News. Many journalists, who are ostensibly objective and professional, refuse to hear or even debate a point of view from the leading opponent to President Joe Biden.

Are some members of the mainstream media now transitioning into the Biden campaign's policy and communications team? Or, at the very least, Kennedy's opponents?

This brings us full circle to the voters. With a 47 percent favorability rating, Kennedy leads all other candidates, including Biden, Trump, and DeSantis, in the most recent Harvard-Harris poll. At just 26%, his unfavorability is the lowest of any candidate. After the recent "Covid-antisemitic" narrative was widely promoted by the media and the Democratic Party over the previous 10 days, the poll was conducted.

Voters are clearly hearing Kennedy and responding to him. His task is to figure out how to make his voice louder.

Vivek Ramaswamy is the next candidate on the list. He started his campaign for the Republican nomination in February. The multimillionaire biotech businessman, who is only 37 years old, has never worked a day in government. By assuming the top position in the entire government, he hopes to change everything.

Like with Kennedy, voters appear to be interested in Ramaswamy and his positions, despite the fact that many in the Republican establishment ignore or even mock him and his campaign.

Recent national surveys have revealed Ramaswamy's rise. He has suddenly gone from being completely unknown to third in the polls, behind only Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R).

Why is he advancing so rapidly? Despite the fact that there are many reasons, three stand out. First, he has distilled his presidential campaign into a catchphrase that appeals to voters: "Excellence over Victimhood. Democracy triumphs over aristocracy. USA versus China. Diversity of Thought over External Form. Over Relativism, the truth. Equal Chance trumps Equal Results.

The second is that his life story touches people who hear it and can relate to it because he is a Republican candidate of color. Born to Indian immigrants, Ramaswamy earned a biology degree from Harvard before enrolling in Yale Law School to complete his J.D.

Third, unlike the unethical blackballing of RFK Jr. by many in the mainstream media, Ramaswamy has generally received a warm reception and has seized nearly every opportunity to appear on television. As more voters learn about him and his plans for the country, this strategy is beginning to bear fruit.

Some rival campaigns are refusing to treat him with the respect he deserves, despite the fact that he is rising in the polls and has easily qualified for the first GOP debate in August. He's not a real candidate, an operative for another campaign sneered, according to NBC News. He built his campaign on Twitter. He always is everything to everyone. We hardly ever give him any thought. And we won't interact with him at any point.

I have little doubt that the Ramaswamy campaign already has that quote posted on a bulletin board, much like an opposing Super Bowl team that was just destroyed by the opposition.

The voters could decide that outsiders are in for 2024 despite what the powerful establishments and the mainstream media may say about RFK Jr. and Ramaswamy.

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