FL Governor Ron DeSantis Faces Declining Support in Republican Presidential Primary: Recent Poll

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 08/17/2023
The latest national poll conducted by Quinnipiac University has revealed a decline in the level of support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the Republican presidential primary. This decline marks the lowest point of support that DeSantis has experienced thus far in the current year. 

In the latest survey conducted by Quinnipiac, it has been revealed that a mere eighteen percent of voters who identify as Republicans or lean towards the Republican party have expressed their support for the esteemed Florida governor. This figure represents the governor's lowest level of support recorded thus far in Quinnipiac's comprehensive polling of the GOP primary for the current year.


In stark contrast, the erstwhile Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Trump, garnered an impressive 57 percent of approval from the esteemed cohort of Republican and Republican-leaning constituents. Quinnipiac has astutely observed that DeSantis, once a mere 6 points adrift from the former president in February, now confronts a substantial deficit of 39 points when compared to Trump. 

In the interim, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy secured the third position with a commendable 5 percent of support, while the esteemed former Vice President Mike Pence trailed closely behind at a respectable 4 percent. The esteemed individuals, namely the former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, the honorable Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), and the distinguished former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, have each garnered a notable level of support, specifically amounting to 3 percent. 

The survey arrives amidst DeSantis' ongoing challenge in garnering substantial support in the polls. According to a recent survey conducted by Emerson College, it was revealed earlier this week that Governor Christie has managed to secure a marginal lead of 1 point over Governor DeSantis in the state of New Hampshire. The slender advantage held by Christie over DeSantis is situated within the statistical uncertainty of the poll, as indicated by the plus-or-minus 3.4 percent margin of error.

The campaign of DeSantis has recently undergone a process of reevaluation and reorganization, marked by two instances of staff reductions and a change in campaign leadership during the summer months. Nevertheless, his supporters emphasize the forthcoming inaugural Republican primary debate scheduled for next week, asserting that it will serve as the genuine commencement of the GOP primary and the initial significant evaluation of the contenders. 


The survey conducted by Quinnipiac University spanned from August 10th to August 14th, encompassing a sample size of 681 individuals who identify as Republicans or lean towards Republican ideologies. It is important to note that the margin of error for this study is estimated to be approximately 3.8 percentage points, allowing for a certain degree of statistical variability. 


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