Fox News Airs TikTok Commercial Amidst Republican Primary Debate Focused on CCP Government Allegations

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 09/28/2023
During the 2024 Republican primary debate on Wednesday, Fox News broadcasted a TikTok commercial shortly after moderator Stuart Varney questioned Vivek Ramaswamy about the app's alleged connections with the Chinese government.

Varney pointed out during the debate that Mr. Ramaswamy had joined TikTok at a dinner with boxer and influencer Jake Paul, despite the fact that TikTok is banned on government-issued devices due to its connections with the Chinese government. The question arises as to whether it is appropriate for the commander-in-chief to be swayed so readily by the influence of an individual with significant persuasive power.


In response to the inquiry, Ramaswamy provided a reply. "The answer is, I have a radical idea for the Republican Party. We need to win elections and part of how we win elections is reaching the next generation of young Americans where they are. So when I get into office, I have been very clear, kids under the age of 16 should not be using addictive social media. We’re only ever going to get to declaring independence from China, which I favor, if we actually win, so while the Democrats are running rampant, reaching the next generation three-to-one, there’s exactly one person in the Republican Party which talks a big game about reaching young people and that’s me."

In contrast to Ramaswamy's viewpoint, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley expressed her disagreement and strongly criticized TikTok, characterizing it as a perilous platform that poses risks to everyone. Haley went on to advocate for a complete ban on the app.

According to her, TikTok is considered to be one of the most perilous social media applications, which is why she finds it extremely aggravating. TikTok boasts a staggering user base of 150 million individuals. When someone gains unauthorized access to your personal information, they can potentially obtain various types of sensitive data. This includes your contact list, financial details, email correspondence, and text messages. In essence, these individuals can acquire a wide range of personal information that may compromise your privacy and security. China is well aware of their actions and their intended outcomes.

Haley expressed concern about the potential dangers associated with encouraging children to engage with social media platforms. It has been alleged that there was a business relationship between certain individuals of Chinese origin and Hunter Biden, during which he reportedly received a sum of $5 million. The trustworthiness of your character is in question. The trustworthiness of an individual or entity is called into question. The presence of TikTok in our children's lives is something that we cannot allow. There is a strong argument for implementing a ban on it.

Shortly after, in a span of less than fifteen minutes, Fox News interrupted its programming to air a commercial promoting TikTok. The advertisement highlighted the app's potential as a valuable resource for small businesses located in rural areas.


In a promotional advertisement, a woman enthusiastically proclaimed that TikTok serves as an excellent platform for do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. If someone had informed me three years ago about the prospect of owning my own business and even expanding it into a separate building, I would have considered them to be delusional.

The advertisement concluded by featuring the slogan, "TikTok Sparks Good."


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