We Need To Stand Tall With Israel, Our Friend And Ally

On Saturday morning, the Hamas terrorist organization initiated an unexpected and large-scale assault on Israel. This attack resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives and left thousands injured due to the relentless rocket strikes. Additionally, militant fighters from the Gaza Strip infiltrated and successfully took control of various southern villages.

During the conflict, rockets were launched by one party without discrimination, resulting in the unfortunate loss of innocent lives. Simultaneously, members of Hamas deliberately aimed their attacks towards civilian populations, going as far as kidnapping individuals and bringing them into Palestinian territory. In addition to the tragic loss of innocent lives, there were disturbing incidents of civilians being brutally killed. Furthermore, there were distressing accounts emerging of Israeli women and children being abducted.


A video has emerged depicting a distressing incident involving Hamas terrorists parading deceased Israeli women in a state of undress. The attacks, characterized by their brutal and vicious nature, indicate a strategic motive behind the invasion. It is believed that the purpose of this invasion is to provoke Israel and its allies into engaging in a larger conflict that could potentially involve Iran and other regional powers.

On the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a significant event took place in the form of a surprise attack. The Yom Kippur War was a conflict that occurred when Egypt, Syria, and other Arab nations collectively launched an invasion on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. The timing of the attack may have been influenced by the symbolic anniversary, but the main reason for the invasion was likely the perceived weak foreign policy signals from the Biden administration. These signals include the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in 2021 and the release of $6 billion in frozen funds in exchange for American hostages. It is possible that Hamas and Iran are attempting to undermine the recent progress in diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. 

In light of recent events, it is highly likely that there will be extensive discussions and investigations by Congress in the future regarding the potential impact of the recent Iran negotiations on the occurrence of the attacks. Currently, it is not appropriate to engage in inquiries of this nature, nor is it the appropriate moment to assign responsibility. In this time of crisis, it is crucial for Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon to collaborate and develop a comprehensive strategy aimed at assisting Israel in achieving victory.

The necessity of taking action arises from the need to protect our Israeli allies and safeguard our own armed forces. There exists a potential risk of being drawn into a larger regional conflict with Iran, a country that has been involved in a continuous state of "low level war" with the United States since the seizure of our Tehran embassy and the subsequent hostage crisis in 1979.

Following an attack by Hamas, Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid demonstrated a willingness to set aside his political differences with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Lapid made a significant gesture by extending an olive branch to Netanyahu, proposing the formation of a "emergency government." The purpose of this proposed coalition would be to effectively handle the challenging and intricate tasks that lie ahead for Israel.

Currently, the State of Israel finds itself engaged in a state of war. Achieving this task will require considerable effort and will not be a quick process. The strategic consequences of this situation have not been observed in many years. In an announcement, Mr. Lapid expressed concern over the potential for a multi-front war, highlighting the serious risk involved.

During a recent meeting between the Israeli opposition leader and Mr. Netanyahu, a call for unity was made, emphasizing the need to set aside differences. The opposition leader highlighted the challenges of managing a war with a dysfunctional security cabinet and stressed that a united front would send a strong message to the world, demonstrating the unwavering solidarity of the Israeli people against the perceived threat.

In times of distress, it is common for individuals to experience a range of emotions, including pain and anger. In the management of wars and countries, the utilization of calmness and a strategic comprehension of the situation takes precedence over the use of pain and anger. The opposition leader emphasized the importance of setting aside political differences in order to establish an emergency government. This government would be solely focused on effectively managing the current situation and would refrain from engaging in any other matters until the desired outcome of overcoming adversaries is achieved.

Mr. Netanyahu, a prominent figure among the Israeli people, has garnered widespread admiration for his leadership qualities and accomplishments. It is worth suggesting that he carefully consider the proposal at hand. In the United States, it is important for both Democrats and Republicans to temporarily set aside their numerous differences and come together.

In the current climate of intense political division in the United States, it is crucial that we prioritize unity and cooperation. It is imperative that we set aside our differences and come together to support one of our strongest allies. By doing so, we can work towards a swift and successful resolution that minimizes harm to innocent civilians and prevents further escalation of military conflicts. Collaborating as a unified front will effectively communicate to our adversaries that the United States is resolute and ready to support our allies, while also making it clear that acts of terrorism targeting innocent civilians will not be accepted.


It is fortunate that leaders from various political affiliations, including those from the United Nations, have expressed unanimous support for Israel's right to self-defense. This right is explicitly protected under Article 51 of the International Charter.

The United States of America is widely recognized as the most formidable military power in the history of the world, despite the erroneous calculations made by our adversaries. In the midst of ongoing political divisions within our nation, it remains crucial for us to uphold our enduring tradition of unity in times of adversity, particularly when our allies come under assault. Standing with Israel is a call to unity and support for the nation. It signifies a collective effort to stand alongside Israel in times of challenge and celebration. By joining forces, we can demonstrate our solidarity and commitment to the well.


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