CEO of Super PAC Affiliated with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Resigns - a Potential Setback for Allies

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 11/25/2023
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a prominent conservative figure, has been considered a leading contender in the 2024 Republican presidential primaries as an alternative to former President Donald Trump. However, his aspirations for the White House have experienced both successes and setbacks due to Trump's continued influence within the Republican Party.

On Wednesday, Chris Jankowski, the chief executive of the super PAC Never Back Down, which is affiliated with DeSantis, announced his resignation. This development poses another potential setback for DeSantis' allies.

Jankowski's recent decision to take a certain course of action is influenced by several factors. Firstly, a new external group has emerged to support his presidential campaign. Additionally, the governor of Florida, along with his wife Casey DeSantis, has expressed their dissatisfaction with the Never Back Down advertisements that specifically targeted former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley regarding her stance on China. These details have been reported by The New York Times.

The timing of this announcement, just a day before Thanksgiving, may not leave a positive impression on conservative donors who are unsure about supporting the group. They may view Haley's rising popularity as a potential threat to Trump's candidacy in the upcoming year.


Despite the internal conflicts within Never Back Down, it is worth noting that DeSantis achieved a significant victory in Iowa recently. He managed to secure the endorsement of Bob Vander Plaats, a prominent conservative figure who holds considerable influence over evangelical Christians in this crucial state for the nomination process.

However, DeSantis is currently trailing behind Trump in both national and statewide polling within the early nominating states. This is a challenge that he is actively striving to overcome.


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