Nikki Haley's 2024 Campaign Endorsed by Americans for Prosperity Action, Led by Billionaire Charles Koch

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 11/28/2023
Nikki Haley's 2024 Republican presidential campaign received an endorsement from Americans for Prosperity Action, a campaign group led by billionaire Charles Koch. 

According to the group, they have been actively engaging with over 6 million voters since February. Their primary objective has been to gather valuable insights regarding voters' concerns and preferences, as well as their potential support for various candidates. By analyzing this extensive dataset, they have concluded that Haley possesses the qualities necessary to secure victory in both the primary and general elections.

In February, Americans for Prosperity made a statement indicating their lack of support for former President Donald Trump's potential bid for the 2024 presidential election. 

According to a recent poll, it has been revealed that in a hypothetical matchup, Joe Biden emerges as the winner when pitted against Donald Trump. However, an interesting finding from the same poll indicates that Nikki Haley, a potential candidate, performs significantly better than Trump in the crucial Presidential battleground states. The data suggests that Haley enjoys a lead of 8 to 14 points over Trump in these key states. This information was shared by the group on Tuesday. In recent elections, the prevailing theme has been the negative impact of Donald Trump's reputation, resulting in the loss of deserving candidates in races that should have been won. However, Nikki Haley, positioned as the leading candidate, has the potential to significantly benefit other candidates running for office. By appealing to independent and moderate voters, who are unlikely to support Trump, Haley could secure crucial support throughout the ballot.

Haley, who previously served as a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, expressed her gratitude for the endorsement she received from Americans for Prosperity. 


The upcoming election presents voters with a significant decision to make, as it revolves around contrasting ideologies and policy approaches. On one hand, there is the concept of freedom and the preservation of individual liberties, which stands in opposition to the idea of socialism and the potential for increased government control. Additionally, the election also involves a debate between fiscal responsibility and the concerning issue of mounting national debt. These divergent perspectives highlight the importance of carefully considering the implications of each candidate's platform and the potential impact on the nation's future. On the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, a passionate individual expressed their determination to protect and preserve their country. 

According to, since the 2020 election, Americans for Prosperity has allocated a substantial amount of money towards lobbying efforts and campaign contributions, amounting to millions of dollars. The exact amount of money that the group intends to spend in 2024 remains uncertain. 


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