Poll Reveals: Majority of American Voters Support Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden and Question His Involvement in Son's Business

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 12/30/2023
According to a recent poll, a significant portion of American voters, nearly half, express their support for an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. Additionally, approximately six out of every ten voters believe that it is probable that Joe Biden had inappropriate involvement in his son Hunter's business dealings.

According to a recent poll conducted by Dailymail.com/JL Partners, which surveyed 1,000 likely voters, it was found that 35 percent of respondents expressed strong support for an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. In contrast, 27 percent of the participants strongly opposed such an inquiry. In addition to the existing support and opposition towards the inquiry, it is worth noting that an additional 12 percent of voters expressed a somewhat supportive stance. On the other hand, 8 percent of voters expressed a somewhat opposing view towards the inquiry.

Within the Democratic party, a notable proportion of voters, specifically 22 percent, expressed their support for the investigation, indicating varying degrees of endorsement.

According to a recent survey, a significant portion of voters, specifically 38 percent, expressed a strong belief that there was a high probability of Joe Biden being inappropriately involved in his son's business dealings. Additionally, 20 percent of the respondents indicated that they considered it quite likely for this scenario to be true. According to the survey results, 22 percent of respondents expressed that the event in question was deemed as very unlikely, while 11 percent indicated that it was considered quite unlikely. 

According to a survey, approximately one-third of Democrats expressed their belief that there was a significant possibility that President Biden had engaged in inappropriate involvement in his son's business activities abroad.

In the conducted poll, voters were requested to provide a single word that they believed best described Hunter Biden. The most frequently chosen response among voters was "corrupt." In addition to the aforementioned responses, other commonly expressed opinions were "bad," "criminal," "crook," and "guilty."

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was recently issued a subpoena by House Republicans. The purpose of this subpoena was to compel him to participate in a closed-door deposition on December 13. However, Hunter Biden chose to address the matter differently. Instead of appearing for the closed-door deposition, he spoke on the Capitol lawn and openly defied the subpoena. He stated that he would only be willing to provide his testimony in a public hearing, which goes against the established rules of the House.

In a recent survey, it was found that 49 percent of voters expressed their opinion that Hunter should participate in the closed-door hearing. On the other hand, 32 percent of voters believed that Hunter is justified in insisting on an open hearing. Nineteen percent of the respondents expressed uncertainty regarding the matter.


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