Trucking Convoy on a Mission: Uniting 700,000 Americans in Peaceful Protest at the Southern Border

The southern border is the objective of a trucking convoy that is moving across the United States in search of individuals who are protesting the large number of illegal immigrants entering the country.

The self-described "God's Army," including people from all around the country, planned the two-week Take Our Border Back procession. After gathering near Dripping Springs, Texas, the caravan intends to divide into two groups and go to Quemado, Texas, or Yuma, Arizona.

Convoy organizer Kim Yeater said, "To the naysayers: We are simply average individuals, farmers, ranchers, and retired police officers." "Not deranged conspiracists. A gathering of Americans from all political backgrounds and nationalities will take place in peace.

Yeater said that the convoy hopes to carry around 700,000 passengers on its voyage to Texas, but he believes "it may likely be greater than that." He emphasized that the convoy feels that illegal crossings have grown out of control rather than being against immigration.

One of the convoy members, Bruce Poppy, said that people must speak out.

We have that right, Poppy said. We have the freedom under the First Amendment to peacefully gather and file complaints with our government. We have been unable to do it.

The demonstration takes place as Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and the Biden administration continue to disagree over border security. The Texas National Guard has been installing barbed wire along the southern border, but the Supreme Court's decision that the federal government had the constitutional authority to remove it caused the conflict to worsen.

In the midst of the conflict between Texas and the Biden administration, more than twenty Republican governors wrote to back Abbott's plan of action. To provide legislators with an update on the situation in the "war zone" along the southern border of the United States, Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD) has asked her legislature to hold a joint session.


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