Senate Border Deal Crumbles: Lawmaking Hopes Dashed, Says Sen. Mitch McConnell

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 02/07/2024
House Speaker Mike Johnson kept his word and declared the Senate border plan "dead on arrival in the House," but it did not survive the months of bipartisan deliberations that went into crafting it. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gave the plan a "rapid and comprehensive collapse" on Tuesday, admitting it had little chance of passing. This is according to the AP.

Politico reports that the Republican said, "We have no genuine opportunity here to create a legislation," during a Senate GOP luncheon. A "pretty heated conversation about whether or not this thing could ever become legislation" had taken place, he added.

In addition, Johnson said that the law would deal with funding to Israel and Ukraine separately. Minutes before, McConnell had acknowledged that the package was likely lost and encouraged Republicans to "show some nerve and do what they believe to be right." 

According to the New York Times, he accused Donald Trump of sabotaging the measure for his own political advantage. "So far as I am aware, he has not done anything except threaten and coerce Republicans in the House and Senate to vote against this idea," Biden said. "They seem to be giving in." Trump would "rather weaponize this problem than genuinely fix it," the speaker said.

The chief Democratic negotiator, Sen. Chris Murphy, called the way Republicans handled GOP negotiator Sen. James Lankford's efforts "disgusting" and evidence that they were not "serious people." "At this point, how can you trust any Republican? According to Politico, "How would we know what to do next?" he said. "They gave us instructions. We strictly adhere to their directions, yet after a day, they yanked the rug out from under us." 

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer said that McConnell and the GOP conference were "prepared to oppose the national security supplemental package even with border measures they so strongly requested." Schumer had previously proposed to postpone a vote on moving the bill.


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