Miraculous Escape: Woman Survives Bear Attack After Thinking It Wanted To Be "Friends"

Let me ask you, brown bear, what are you seeing? Perhaps this time, "I see a tourist bothering me." That follows a woman's horrifically disastrous holiday in Romania's Carpathian Mountains, which occurred when she attempted to snap a photo of one of the local omnivores. According to STV News, on Monday in southern Arges County, Moira Gallacher from Scotland and her companion Charmian Widdowson were exploring when they came across a "gorgeous" mother bear and her youngster.

In order to capture some pictures with Gallacher, Widdowson claims she pulled down the window of her automobile. Widdowson remarks, "I assumed he wanted to be friends." But the mother bear had other, less amicable plans, reaching through the open window to seize Gallacher's arm and tear it apart. Did Gallacher's words rescue her? Her outerwear from Marks and Spencer. "What saved my arm was that I was wearing a padded jacket and a top and another top," she told STV, describing herself as "very, very fortunate."

After the two left in their car, Gallacher was transported by EMS to the hospital. She was scheduled to be released on Wednesday, but hospital authorities claim she suffered bite wounds to her right hand. A study by The Telegraph indicates that, apart from Russia, Romania has between 6,000 and 8,000 brown bears, making it the most bear-friendly country in Europe. Over 150 bear assaults on humans occurred between 2016 and 2021, 14 of which were deadly, according to the country's Environment Ministry. The brown bear, which can grow to a height of 7 feet and weigh more than 750 pounds, is a skilled climber and can run at 30 mph, according to STV.


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