Biden's Vote-Buying Tactics Unveiled: Federal Spending Aligned with Election Support

Joe Biden is using federal spending to buy votes, particularly from racial and ethnic groups, under the guise of fighting climate change. This unprecedented patronage is corrupting constitutional government, as President Biden is using federal spending to secure political benefits. Biden launched the "Justice40" initiative in January 2021, mandating that 40% of certain Federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities. This initiative covers much of the spending in Biden's signature laws, including the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the American Rescue Plan, as well as hundreds of existing federal programs.

The infrastructure law alone devotes $68 billion to programs covered by Justice40, while existing programs already have funding streams in the billions of dollars. When other laws and annual appropriations are added in, the Biden administration is likely spending more than $100 billion on initiatives that must now devote four of every 10 taxpayer dollars to "disadvantaged" communities. The Biden administration created and ordered government agencies to use a "screening tool" map to identify census tracts that are "overburdened and underserved" on various measures. These "Justice40 communities," as the administration calls them, are targeted because they have higher dependency, have fewer English speakers, struggle with health conditions like diabetes, and are generally "distressed."

In effect, Justice40 relies on a crude form of racial profiling to decide who gets billions of dollars in taxpayer money. Most minority communities vote Democratic, some of them overwhelmingly so. The first Justice40 programs were 21 pilot programs launched in Biden's first year in office, and the bait-and-switch became even more obvious in 2022 when the program expanded to cover more than 400 federal programs.

Biden's administration has made clear that the list of Justice40 programs will "evolve over time as new federal programs are created," and existing programs will likely receive ongoing funding.


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