Kamala Harris Missing from Democratic Panic Messages After Biden's Debate Performance

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 06/29/2024
It seemed strange that the name of Kamala Harris, the vice president, was absent from a significant number of the Democratic panic messages that were sent out after President Joe Biden's lackluster performance in the debate on Thursday.

A number of names, including that of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California Governor Gavin Newsom, have acquired traction on the internet as potential candidates to replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket. While everything was going on, Harris, who is widely seen to be the most apparent and well-positioned contender, was compelled to publicly support Biden at the most inopportune moment of their four-year political alliance.

The fact that Harris's name is not being paired with other ambitious Democrats has infuriated a number of her allies, who are privately expressing their discontent with the situation. On the other hand, given that Harris is operating under a de facto mission to protect him, there is not much that they can do about this matter.

According to Michael Trujillo, a strategist for the Democratic Party, "She was unable to take any reasonable action for the outside." Her best strategy is to just do very well in her role as vice president on the inside.

Due to the fact that CNN and MSNBC had scheduled postmortem interviews, she was had to play the role of the good soldier practically immediately after the debate.

As she saw Biden's awkward moment, Harris and her staff recognized that her answer would be much more thoroughly examined, according to three officials who were provided anonymity to disclose private talks. These aides were able to discuss the matter because they could not be identified. She did not waste any time in conveying to her team that they should not make any effort to minimize the terrible performance of her running partner.


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