House Democrat Attempts To Taint Supreme Court's Bump Stock Decision: NRA Flag Flies High Above Constitution

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) criticized the Supreme Court's decision to lift the ban on bump stocks, likening it to prioritizing the National Rifle Association over public safety and the Constitution. Raskin dismissed the notion as absurd, highlighting the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' assessment that a semiautomatic firearm equipped with a bump stock operates similarly to a machine gun, warranting corresponding regulations.

He went on, "Of course it was after the shooting in Las Vegas, which left 58 people dead and over 500 injured, radically changing the lives of hundreds of people and taking 58 of them." At that moment, Trump gave the impression that he at least supported the measure as an alternative to a total ban on assault weapons like to those used by the military and a nationwide violent criminal history check. They now have the justices he boasts of appointing to the court to reverse Roe v. Wade and they also overthrow this.

Raskin went on, "They fly the American flag upside down." They fly the National Rifle Association flag high and right side up. Significantly beyond the legal system, the Constitution, and the public's safety


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