Biden Lays A Huge Gaffe Egg During Presidential Debate; ‘We Finally Beat Medicare’

During the presidential debate, President Joe Biden made a surprising statement that "We finally beat Medicare," which is an unusual claim for a Democratic president. This statement is not surprising given that neither party, particularly the Democratic party, wants to take entitlement reform seriously. Biden's comments were criticized for being fleeting and nonsensical, as they went from being logical to nonsensical.

Biden responded to Trump's cynical justification of his track record on debt and deficits, stating that he could pay off his loan in five years and help ensure that all the things that need to be taken care of—child care, elder care, maintaining the integrity of the healthcare system, and enabling every person to qualify for what he has been able to do with the Covid. However, his responses were often disorganized and difficult to follow, often verging on incoherence.

In response to Trump's assertions that the US Supreme Court was correct to reverse Roe v. Wade and give states more control over abortion laws, Biden said that the notion that governments have this authority is akin to declaring that the states would once again have control over civil rights. He also mentioned that many young women are being raped by their in-laws, husbands, siblings, and other people—it is absurd how often this happens and how they are unable to stop it.

Biden's performance showed that the president is not as healthy as he seems to be, making it unrealistic to expect him to bear the pressures of one of the most stressful positions in the world if he cannot even successfully fake his way through a single CNN discussion. Additionally, Biden's "low-energy" performance made it easier for Trump, who is comparatively more upbeat and lucid, to make a lot of false statements, evading questions, and outlandish assertions of his own.

When asked about how he added $8 trillion to the debt in his one time in office and how he could justify his tax cuts, Trump claimed that his tax cuts had increased revenue overall. However, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget offers a helpful explanation that demonstrates how Trump's tax cuts cost the nation billions in lost income while adding billions in additional expenditure and interest expenses to the public budget, omitting the fiscal effect of COVID-19 spending.

Biden, who is not particularly supportive of tax cuts or budgetary restraint, was completely unable to provide persuasive opposition to that assertion. The CNN discussion last evening proved that the two-party system is incapable of doing this, even in front of the camera.


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