BlackRock Move Regarding Thomas Matthew Crooks Will Leave You Speechless!

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/16/2024
 The whole scenario surrounding the attempted assassination of former President Trump unveils a chilling truth about the extent to which corporations like BlackRock are intertwined with global and national politics, pushing agendas that undermine traditional American values and security. It's no secret that BlackRock has its tentacles deep in initiatives that promote ideologies directly opposed to the interests of conservative America. Their involvement in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria is a testament to their commitment to reshaping the fabric of society according to a leftist agenda.

Moreover, BlackRock's swift action to dissociate itself from Thomas Matthew Crooks by pulling the advertisement he appeared in is nothing short of damage control. The attempt on Trump’s life is a stark reminder of the lengths to which those opposed to conservative figures will go. It's appalling yet illuminating how quickly those who may have inadvertently provided a platform for individuals with extremist tendencies rush to wash their hands clean when tragedy strikes.

This incident should serve as a wake-up call for patriotic Americans about where they choose to invest their hard-earned money. Supporting companies like BlackRock indirectly funds initiatives that erode our nation's core principles and endanger our freedoms. Every dollar invested in such companies reinforces their ability to sponsor programs and movements that are fundamentally at odds with American sovereignty and values.

It’s high time we take a stand against these globalist entities by being more discerning about where we allocate our investments. Divesting from BlackRock and similar organizations is not just an act of protest but a declaration of allegiance to the principles upon which America was founded. We must prioritize investing in companies that uphold values of freedom, patriotism, and individual liberty—values that made this country great.

As conservatives, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about the silent war being waged against America’s foundational ideals through financial powerhouses like Blackrock. Our response should be one of unity, resilience, and strategic action in reclaiming control over our nation’s future from those who seek its undoing for their gain. Let this moment galvanize us into taking back what rightfully belongs to the people: a nation governed by laws and principles reflective of America's true spirit—not manipulated by corporate oligarchs with agendas antithetical to freedom and democracy.


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