Deep Democratic Fractures Exposed: Influential Donors Threaten Biden's 2024 Run!

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/08/2024
In an unprecedented move signaling deep fractures within the Democratic Party, a cadre of influential donors is openly challenging President Joe Biden's leadership and potential candidacy for the 2024 presidential race.

Spearheaded by Bill Harris, a notable figure in the tech industry with past roles as CEO of Intuit and PayPal, this group is wielding its financial clout as a lever to propel change at the top echelons of their party. [Bill] Harris and his associates have provocatively earmarked $2 million to sponsor fresh debates among Democratic hopefuls, under one major condition: Biden must relinquish his hold on the nomination.

[Bill] Harris articulated this bold strategy in a statement to the Washington Post, asserting that the party is in dire need of invigoration. "We're not just trying to steer clear of turmoil," he declared. "What we require is precisely that — a bit of upheaval and dynamism. It's about infusing new energy and excitement into our ranks." This sentiment underscores a strategic pivot aimed at disrupting what many see as a complacent status quo, thereby preventing Vice President Kamala Harris from being the default beneficiary of their substantial financial backing.

It's worth noting that [Bill] Harris' disillusionment isn't without precedent; despite having contributed a significant sum of $620,000 to the Biden Victory Fund during the 2020 election cycle, he has become increasingly critical of Biden's performance. Specifically, Biden's lackluster showing in key debates has alienated a segment of his donor base — including Harris — who now question his viability as a candidate in the forthcoming election.

To further cement his commitment to ushering in a new era for Democrats, [Bill] Harris has taken concrete action by establishing Democrats for the Next Generation, a Political Action Committee (PAC). The PAC's mission is clear: to funnel the promised $2 million into orchestrating debates among viable candidates poised to lead the Democratic Party forward should Biden step aside.

This development marks a critical juncture for Democrats as they navigate internal divisions and external challenges ahead of 2024. With influential figures like [Bill] Harris leading the charge for change within their ranks, it appears that significant segments of the party are prepared to confront uncomfortable truths about their leadership and direction. As this drama unfolds, it will undoubtedly shape not only the future trajectory of the Democratic Party but also set the stage for what promises to be an electrifying election season.


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