Elizabeth Warren Vows to Codify Roe v. Wade If Democrats Seize House And Retain Senate: A Bold Move Ahead of 2025

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/17/2024
In a brazen display of overreach, Progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has thrown down the gauntlet, declaring that the Senate has the votes to bulldoze through the filibuster and forcefully codify Roe v. Wade into law, should Democrats seize an iron grip on the House, retain the Senate, and squat in the White House come 2025.

On ABC’s “The View,” Warren arrogantly boasted about this power play, outlining a scenario where, with minimal majorities – "skinny" as she condescendingly described – her party would trample over decades of legal precedent and societal debate to reinstate Roe v. Wade as untouchable doctrine.

Warren's cavalier attitude towards such a seismic shift in legislative process is alarming. By advocating for the suspension of the filibuster – a tool designed to ensure thorough debate and bipartisan consensus – she reveals a disturbing willingness to sacrifice democratic principles on the altar of ideological victory. This isn't about safeguarding rights; it's a naked power grab.

Last week's blockade by Senate Republicans against enshrining Roe v. Wade into federal law was not only a testament to their resolve but highlighted the desperate lengths Democrats are willing to go, falling short in a 44-49 vote. Yet, despite this setback, President Biden has echoed Warren's audacious pledge, promising at his State of Union address to make Roe v. Wade "the law of the land" again if given a compliant Congress.

This entire saga underscores an unsettling truth: The Democratic leadership is hell-bent on upending established norms and judicial independence to cement their radical agenda. They're not interested in dialogue or compromise; they demand total domination—control over our legislative bodies and now, it seems, our judiciary system as well.


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