Federal Judge Delivers Blistering Verdict Against ABC News, Stephanopoulos for Defamatory Attacks on Trump!

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/24/2024
A federal judge handed down a judgment that serves as a stern rebuke to ABC News and George Stephanopoulos for their defamatory statements against former President Donald Trump. The court's refusal to dismiss Trump's lawsuit underscores a critical moment in our nation's ongoing battle against the biased narrative peddled by mainstream media outlets.

The case centers on Stephanopoulos's egregious misrepresentation during an interview, where he wrongly accused Trump of being found "liable for rape," despite the jury's actual verdict, which did not substantiate such a claim. This deliberate manipulation of facts is indicative of the larger issue at hand: the relentless pursuit by some in the media to tarnish Trump's reputation by any means necessary.

Judge Cecilia Altonaga, appointed by George W. Bush, delivered a 21-page ruling that cuts through ABC's defenses, including their claim of fair reporting privilege. This decision not only paves the way for Trump's suit to advance but also signals a potential shift towards holding news organizations accountable for their distortions.

Trump rightly hailed this development as a "big win" against what he terms "fake news," illustrating his enduring commitment to fighting back against unfounded accusations and media bias. His determination is echoed in his criticism of Stephanopoulos—or "liddle' George Slopadopolus," as Trump wittily dubbed him—highlighting the anchor’s role in perpetuating falsehoods.

At its core, this lawsuit transcends one man's legal battle; it represents a critical examination of how legal definitions are manipulated by media personalities to serve political ends. Judge Altonaga’s insightful ruling pointed out the significant difference between New York’s legal definition of rape and how Stephanopoulos chose to interpret it publicly—an interpretation aimed more at sensationalism than at truth.

As this case moves forward into discovery and potentially to trial, it stands as a beacon for those advocating for journalistic integrity and accountability. The outcome could very well set new precedents on how public figures are protected from slanderous allegations under the guise of news reporting.

This ruling is not just about correcting one instance of misinformation but about challenging the status quo where media outlets feel emboldened to skew facts without repercussions. It reaffirms faith in our judicial system’s ability to discern truth from deception, offering hope that perhaps we can expect future endeavors by journalists to reflect accuracy over bias.

In conclusion, Judge Altonaga’s decision is not merely a procedural step; it is a powerful statement against defamation disguised as journalism. It compels us to question how many more manipulative narratives are presented as fact and challenges us as consumers of information to demand higher standards from those who report it. As this case progresses, it will undoubtedly shine a spotlight on the responsibilities of media giants towards truthful reporting and might just compel them toward more honest journalism practices in the future.


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