House Democrat Calls Out Biden: Is the President Past His Prime? Shocking Revelation Unveiled

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/11/2024
Oh, let's all take a moment to applaud Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez for bravely stating the glaringly obvious: President Joe Biden might just be past his prime. It’s utterly groundbreaking, isn’t it? After weeks of playing ear-to-constituent, she has miraculously come to the conclusion that maybe—just maybe—the President isn’t the spry chicken we all hoped he’d be. And here I was thinking that wisdom and vitality automatically come with age, like fine wine or cheese.

But wait, there’s more! Not only does she question his fitness to run in the next presidential race (because clearly, everyone in Southwest Washington is suddenly a medical expert), but she also suggests he resigns. Because, of course, stepping down is exactly what a sitting president does when faced with criticism. It’s not like leading a country through unprecedented challenges requires resilience or anything.
And then there's her observation about the debate—fifty million Americans tuned in, and our dear congresswoman could only stomach five minutes of it. Clearly, those five minutes were enough to foresee the future: Biden losing to Trump. It’s like she has a crystal ball or something. Never mind nuanced political analysis or considering multiple factors—it was that debate performance alone that sealed the deal.

Honestly, if this isn’t a masterclass in political foresight and bravery, I don’t know what is. Let’s all bask in the wisdom of Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez and her profound insights into American politics. The nation surely rests easier knowing such astute observations are guiding our discourse.


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