Kamala Harris Strikes Gold with $81 Million Campaign Haul in 24 Hours!

Kamala Harris is on a financial roll, a fact that's becoming increasingly clear as she rakes in an astonishing $81 million in campaign funds, following Joe Biden's endorsement for her presidential run. This historic fundraising feat, achieved within just 24 hours of Biden’s announcement, stands as a testament to the vigorous financial momentum behind Harris' candidacy.

The sum encompasses contributions to her campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and various joint fundraising initiatives. Astonishingly, over 888,000 grassroots supporters have opened their wallets, with a significant 60% of these contributors participating for the first time this election season. Moreover, this fundraising juggernaut saw 43,000 individuals committing to regular donations—over half pledging weekly support. A notable event led by Win with Black Women shattered Zoom's capacity with its 44,000 attendees and generated $1.5 million in grassroots funding alone.
The wave of enthusiasm for Harris has sent shockwaves through big-money donors as well—some of whom had previously threatened to withhold their financial backing if Biden remained in the race. Reports from Politico highlight that Future Forward, a super PAC influential within Democratic circles, has secured commitments totaling $150 million from high-profile donors galvanized by Harris' ascendancy.
In stark contrast to this surge of support for Harris, Donald Trump and his allies have expressed outright indignation over her fundraising success. Trump voiced his frustration on Truth Social, lamenting the millions he's poured into attacks against Biden and demanding reimbursement "for fraud." Lara Trump echoed this sentiment on Fox News, attempting to downplay Harris’ achievement by attributing it solely to elite "millionaires and billionaires."
However, the Harris campaign is quick to counter these narratives by spotlighting the overwhelming grassroots backing that underscores her fundraising record. According to Kevin Munoz, a spokesperson for the campaign, there’s a "broad and diverse coalition" rallying behind Harris—a coalition determined to engage directly with voters pivotal to securing victory in the upcoming election. This groundswell of support not only highlights Harris' appeal across a wide spectrum of the electorate but also signals a robust readiness among her base to financially fuel her path to potentially becoming America’s next president—a reality that seems ever more plausible amidst this unprecedented demonstration of financial backing.


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