Trump Mocks Biden, Urges Him to Power Through Critics for 2024 Campaign

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  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 07/06/2024
In a social media post on Saturday, Donald Trump mocked President Joe Biden by urging the Democrat to "ignore his many critics" and go on with his "powerful and far reaching campaign" in the 2024 presidential contest.

The Biden campaign suffered greatly during the first presidential debate of 2024 when members of his own party publicly expressed doubts about his capacity to win and serve if elected. These doubts have remained despite Biden's extensive sit-down interview with ABC News's George Stephanopoulos on Friday.

Unusually for him, Trump has said almost little about Biden's performance in the debate and the disagreement among Democrats over whether the president should remain the candidate.

However, Trump issued a caustic appeal of his own on Saturday, urging Biden to go on with his campaign and remain in the contest.

"Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his many critics and move forward, with alacrity and strength, with his powerful and far reaching campaign. He should be sharp, precise, and energetic, just like he was in The Debate, in selling his policies of Open Borders (where millions of people, including record numbers of Terrorists, are allowed to enter our Country, from prisons and mental institutions, totally unchecked and unvetted!), to Ending Social Security, Men playing in Women’s sports, High Taxes, High Interest Rates, encouraging a Woke Military, Uncontrollable Inflation, Record Setting Crime, Only Electric Vehicles, Subservience to China and other Countries, Endless Wars, putting America Last, losing our Dollar Based Standard, and so much more. Yes, Sleepy Joe should continue his campaign of American Destruction and, MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN!"

On his Truth Social app, Trump said, "Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his many critics and move forward, with alacrity and strength, with his powerful and far-reaching campaign." "He ought to possess the same energy, precision, and sharpness as he did in The Debate."

"Yes, Sleepy Joe ought to carry on with his American Destruction Campaign and MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN!" In the post, Trump wrote.

Prior to the release of the interview, Trump also disparaged Stephanopoulos, perhaps as a way of protecting his bases.


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