Republican Groups Take Legal Action Over Alleged Bias in Detroit Poll Staffing; 7 Times More Dems

  • by:
  • Source: Wayne Dupree
  • 08/24/2024
In a blatant disregard for electoral fairness and transparency, the Republican National Committee (RNC), Michigan GOP, and chairpersons of Wayne County Republican committees have been forced to take legal action against the city of Detroit. This move comes after it was revealed that in a flagrant violation of state laws, Detroit had the audacity to hire an overwhelmingly disproportionate number of Democratic poll workers over their Republican counterparts for the state's primary election earlier this month. Specifically, Detroit employed a staggering 2,340 Democrats compared to a mere 308 Republicans for polling duties—a ratio that not only screams bias but practically bellows it from the rooftops.

This gross imbalance is not just an oversight; it's a deliberate slap in the face to electoral integrity and a stark illustration of how low Democrats are willing to stoop in their quest to maintain power. According to state law, there should be an equal number of poll workers from each major political party "as nearly as possible." Clearly, Detroit has thrown this requirement out the window with abandon.

The lawsuit follows investigative reporting by Just the News, which brought this egregious disparity to light. Furthermore, despite the national Republican Party providing a list of 676 qualified Republican election worker candidates well before the primary election, Detroit saw fit to hire only 52 from this list. This is not just negligence; it's outright sabotage.

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Such actions by Detroit represent more than just administrative failure; they are indicative of a broader Democrat strategy to undermine public trust in our electoral systems. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump were spot-on in their joint statement when they condemned this act as “bad-faith Democrat interference.” It’s clear that these tactics are part of a desperate attempt by Democrats to cling onto power by any means necessary—even if it means trampling over the principles of fair play and transparency.

The lawsuit rightly points out that having a 7.5-to-1 ratio of Democrats to Republicans among poll workers—and thus violating statutory duty within 300 out of 335 precincts—is unacceptable. This isn't about partisan bickering; it's about ensuring every voter can trust in fair, accurate, secure, and transparent elections. The complaint doesn’t just challenge these discrepancies; it demands immediate rectification by directing the "Detroit Election Commission to implement appropriate practices and procedures." Without such corrective measures before the November elections, one can only anticipate further manipulations designed to disenfranchise Republican voters and erode faith in our democratic processes.

In essence, what we're witnessing is nothing short of an assault on democracy itself by those who claim loudest to defend it. If left unchecked, these underhanded tactics threaten not only future elections but also the very fabric of our nation’s political integrity. The RNC’s lawsuit isn’t merely about rectifying disparities; it’s about battling for the soul of American democracy against those who would see it compromised for partisan gain.


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