No Candidate Backed By The Establishment Is Going To Fix This And They Know It

Victor Davis Hanson, senior scholar at the Hoover Institution and best-selling author, suggested that Donald Trump might run for president in 2024 as a “tragic hero” due to shifting political landscapes, conservative attitudes, and changing national requirements.

It makes sense. Choosing between Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for 2024 is currently a hot topic of discussion among conservatives. But let’s not throw out the greatest that America has had in a long time because some jittery nellies in the GOP are offended by Trump’s speech pattern once more. Which is to say, Trump has a daring speaking style and has gone places few others have.

The media is eager to pit the two and, in doing so, provide a huge opportunity for the Democrats to win.

Trump accuses Ron DeSantis of becoming a rival for the 2024 election, according to ABC News.

Trump declares war on DeSantis, according to Politico.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “Trump-DeSantis Rivalry Takes Off as Florida Governor Builds 2024 Buzz.”

Trump won’t be pleased with this next quote from CNN: “Ron DeSantis is officially in Donald Trump’s mind.”

It seems as though Trump’s time has passed if you listen to the media and Republicans In Name Only who have always detested MAGA.

Maybe. possibly not Prima donnas in the media won’t ultimately decide that; voters will.

Trump entered the political scene at a time when conservatives were tired of their elected officials visiting Washington, D.C., forgetting the promises they made during the campaign, and moreover, working so closely with Democrats that they didn’t even have to campaign for their victories. Gang of Eight reform for immigration? raised debt ceiling? Another increase in the debt ceiling? Abolish Obamacare?

The border was mentioned by Trump. Trump criticized both Republicans and Democrats for their shortcomings.

Trump campaigned on a nonpartisan, outsider strategy to address America’s issues. And he was extremely successful on that front. He acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. He made illegal immigrants’ arrests public and reinforced border controls. After the previous Barack Obama threatened to raise corporate taxes by double digit percentages, he stopped corporations from leaving the country.

He exposed the globalists and elitists at the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and other organizations for what they were and still are: globalists, elitists, and anti-American forces. He withdrew America from both the nuclear pact and the disastrous climate treaty. He battled a viciously nasty Democratic class and an even more vile media establishment, and he skillfully, resolutely, and relentlessly assaulted those who opposed him. Democrats and their media allies weren’t accustomed to being criticized. He was apathetic. Yet he carried it out.

A healthy economy existed. Jobs’ statistics were favorable. Inflation rates were favorable. Then came the midterm elections in 2022, and Republicans didn’t perform as well as predicted. Trump is therefore an easy target.

The New York Times snarled, “Trump Under Fire From Within GOP After Midterms.”

The Guardian mocked, “Republicans have someone to blame for their poor result: Donald Trump.”

DeSantis, meanwhile, won the Florida election with a resounding victory. So there it is: the anti-ideal Trumper’s Trump replacement. The topic of discussion in the conservative community is whether or not to support DeSantis for 2024 instead of Trump.

DeSantis is compared to Trump in conservative circles, but without Trump’s vulgar social media persona.

According to Hanson, this is where the label of “tragic hero” is most applicable.

According to Hanson, some Republicans may have seen Trump as the tragic hero they needed to defeat the far left in 2016, ride roughshod over the country’s growing globalist influence, close borders, crack down on lawbreakers, and put criminals behind bars. These same Republicans may have excused Trump’s brazen behavior and name-calling tactics because the problems facing the country were too numerous to list. Hanson continued, but after Trump the President resolved the issues, Trump the Man came into greater focus. And let’s face it, Trump the Man isn’t going to change. Therefore, voters, conservatives, and Republicans must now decide if his demeanor is hindering his ability to lead.

It isn’t.

even when he confronts DeSantis.

It isn’t.

Trump now would be foolish to set aside. Saying that he has passed his prime would be impulsive and unwise. DeSantis excels. But Trump is also. Trump is also well-known for being a fantastic president. What if he represents the interests of the people more than the ruling class would like? That is the USA. America is rife with these kinds of leaders. American fans of street fighting adore them.

Trump, who obstinately accepted Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, also referred to Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, as “Rocket Man.”

The same Trump who fired FBI Director James Comey as a “slime ball,” described Andrew McCabe as a “poor man’s J. Edgar Hoover,” and referred to Peter Strzok as a “sick loser” was also responsible for rooting out runaway bureaucrats who were stealing Americans’ constitutional rights.

Then what? Accept it or reject it. Trump cannot be diminished and be Trump. Mitt Romney is brought by it. A Lisa Murkowski, perhaps. Or one of the Republicans like Mitch McConnell or any number of others who may talk softly but act softly. Do you recall John McCain? Liz Cheney, perhaps? Ignore that thinking.

With Trump, you essentially have to accept everything or not at all.

A leopard cannot, and should not, alter its spots.

DeSantis will have the opportunity to run for president. Just not now. Not until Trump has an additional four years to address Joe Biden’s mistakes and Make America Great Again.




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