Webster said of the claimed disciplinary action that had been applied to her son a few times earlier, “That had been going on for a while before this day.” “I was unaware that he was a problem for his ... Read More.
The organization continued, “As a threshold matter, whether your office is, in fact, faithfully implementing the law or abusing prosecutorial discretion to engage in a politically motivated prosecution ... Read More.
The proposal would compel schools to make their curricula available to the public, permit parents to meet with their children’s teachers, and compel them to notify parents when there is violence on sch ... Read More.
No, Trump replied, “I never considered it. “I believe that the Republican Party has a lot of wonderful members. I had never considered it. But, you know, occasionally, a few people may bring it up, but ... Read More.
Counties in Pennsylvania with a Democratic majority have been more likely to engage in ballot curing. A voter who forgets to date or sign their ballot envelope will receive a notice reminding them to d ... Read More.
Baldwin’s legal team also brought up the government’s “exceptional public statements” in the past few weeks in response to the defense’s court papers, claiming that these statements implied Baldwin’s g ... Read More.
The U.S. has taken “all necessary steps to safeguard our people and will always respond at a time and location of our choosing,” as CENTCOM commander General Michael Kurilla stated after the retaliator ... Read More.
“I believe I’m probably, you know, more of an executive guy,” DeSantis said after a pause. I assume you want to accomplish things. I got this position because we have action. We can achieve. DeSantis c ... Read More.
The head of Central Command, US Army Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, cautioned that American forces could launch additional strikes if necessary. In a statement, Kurilla stated that “we are prepared for s ... Read More.
The Staal brothers said in a statement that they “carry no judgment on how people choose to live their lives” and that they “think that all people should be accepted in all parts of the game of hockey. ... Read More.
Similar limits are being considered by lawmakers in a number of states, including Connecticut and Ohio. According to analysts, if enough states pass legislation, it may result in a federal regulation. ... Read More.
According to FTC representatives, phone-based “imposter scams” cost consumers more than $11 million in 2022. However, after money has been stolen, there is frequently no way to get it back. “There is n ... Read More.
Many social media users speculated that Hudson may not understand how to get online, as his question was deemed “inherently strange” by Mashable. “Most apps… require network access to be used,” notes I ... Read More.
According to the Times, the department’s accidental release of the names and photos of the undercover cops. The Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union that represents rank-and-file officers, f ... Read More.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a joint warning last month advising against the use of EzriCare Artificial Tears and Delsam Pharma ... Read More.