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Biden's ATF Director Can't Define Assault Weapon
Shouldn’t people who regulate fire arms actually know about them? How can you put a ban on something you know nothing about? How is everone going to be able to identify assault rifles when they don’t k ... Watch Now.
Hunter Biden probe is being mishandled, says IRS supervisor
An IRS supervisor is seeking whistleblower protections suggesting they have information about the Biden administration mishandling the investigation into Hunter Biden. NBC’s Tom Llamas speaks with Wall ... Watch Now.
Reporter Asks KJP A Serious Question About Debt Limit
Shouldn’t Biden take the blame for the current debt limit situation. Remember, he said ‘no negotiations’ ... Watch Now.
Analysis of Supreme Court Decision to Allow Abortion Pill Access
On Friday, the Supreme Court upheld access to the medicine by granting a stay pending appeal of lower court rulings prohibiting the use of the abortion pill.The decision allows the FDA’s (Food and medi ... Watch Now.
WH Claims Republican Policies Are Dangerous To Americans
Karine Jean-Pierre, a communications secretary for the White House, said that the House Budget Committee’s proposal amounted to “holding our economy hostage.” She referred to it as a “ransom demand” b ... Watch Now.
Reporter Questions KJP On Her Constant Attacks On Pres. Trump
I am glad this reporter had the fortitude to ask this question. Enough is enough. ... Watch Now.
NC House passes bill blocking transgender athletes from women’s sports
NC House passes bill blocking transgender athletes from women’s sports ... Watch Now.
Police Arrest NC Man Who Allegedly Emptied His Gun On 6-year-old, Parents And Neighbor
A local gunshot was reported to 911 around 7:44 p.m. on Tuesday, according to the Gaston County Police Department. Investigators ultimately concluded that Singletary shot two adult males, one young fem ... Watch Now.
Rand Paul: 2:09 / 5:30 'NIH Spent More Than $1.1 Billion To Get Mice Drunk'
How does the government get away with this? It’s weird and I don’t think many people know why we have to pay so much taxes! It’s so corrupted! ... Watch Now.
Kevin McCarthy And Republicans discuss anti-trans school sports bill
Excellent speech by Mr. McCarthy. He always answers all the questions clearly and sincerely, and handles the reporters in such a compeI think he’s terrific. ... Watch Now.
Mother Confronts School Board After Elementary School Secretly Transitioned Her Child
Horrifying for parents. Imagine all the kids this will effect without smart capable parents? All the parents who don’t know any better or don’t have the resources to fight for their kids. This is tyran ... Watch Now.
McCarthy Pushes Back: 'I Will Take The Questions, And I'll Decide... When I Answer'
McCarthy didn’t like the way he was being treated by the media and pushed back ‘I Will Take The Questions, And I’ll Decide… When I Answer’ ... Watch Now.
Hawley Calls Out Biden Administration on Destroying US Energy Independence
Well Done Mr Hawley!!! Time and time again, Dr. Light tried to justify his approach to energy dependence, presenting data that beat pre-covid and not fully understanding that we are still energy depend ... Watch Now.
Gaetz Calls Out The Weaponization Of The ATF
40 million law-abiding gun owners are now facing potential criminal penalties just for using stabilizing braces. The Biden administration and Democrats are intent to weaponize the ATF and take away our ... Watch Now.
Biden expected to announce re-election bid next week
With all these Whistleblowers coming out, with information on the Biden family; the Democrat party will pass on Joe Biden. ... Watch Now.

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